Callie Aena

Character: Callie Aena

Server: Gladera

She’s an artist, designer, and a royal paladin in one!

A sleeping boy in a Tibia arrangement hugging Lisa’s plush doll is one of her most beautiful drawings!

Callie also creates graphics for a popular tool among gamers available on Discord – NabBot! You can see her work on the occasion of various special announcements for this fansite, such as anniversaries or contests!

It makes these events even more special!

And we look forward to more NabBot birthdays, not only because we wish them the best, but also to have new opportunities to admire Callie’s work! 😀

Head on to her social media and check out the artworks she prepared. We can spot many different styles over there, but what all these works have in common is how great they look!

Instagram: @arts_callie


Apart from the great graphics, Callie can also make high-quality items using the form of digital art called pixel art!

Check also the whole sprite sheet for her second item:

Sometimes you can also find her works on the occasion of many contests organized by fan sites. Her works are distinguished by their precision and interesting ideas. – Design a Mascot Contest 2020 – 15th Anniversary Contest 2022

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